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Here are some articles, book recommendations, podcasts, and other materials, in no particular order, that speak to my philosophy as a human and artist.


Please do reach out and let me know if you discover something that you resonate with, or if you have a recommendation for me.


This is a lovely short and sweet article, with a few scientific references, about why continuing to play music into adulthood is both fun and good for you! I 100% agree, obviously.



"If knowledge was the currency of the information economy, creativity is going to be the currency of the AI economy." - Jon Favreau


I really enjoy these discussions on technology and how it affects our lives.


I read this book slowly because it is so excruciatingly beautiful and thoughtful, and I never wanted it to end. A truly stunning series of essays on life and nature, and what it means to be human.


I read this book slowly because it is so excruciatingly beautiful and thoughtful, and I never wanted it to end. A truly stunning personal and philosophical series of essays on life and nature, and what it means to be human.


I read this book slowly because it is so excruciatingly beautiful and thoughtful, and I never wanted it to end. A truly stunning personal and philosophical series of essays on life and nature, and what it means to be human.

Liz Talbert is a classical and contemporary flutist and concert curator based in Berlin, Germany.

She specializes in teaching flute lessons to adults, either online or in-person.


An avid proponent of slowness and de-digitalization, I am not active on social media.


*To hire me for performances; recordings; music consultation (such as flute notation or extended techniques); flute lessons or workshops; or other artistic collaboration, please contact me.

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